The portal opened on 2-22-22… When a portal opens the light shines in as well as the dark. We must look at both and what is happening in our lives and how we deal with the dark and the light. We must agree to the unknown and not fear it.
This is a great time to really open your awareness of how you are living your life, what you want to create and what you would like to release.
- What are you avoiding?
- What are you grateful for?
- What do you love?
- What do you need to get rid of?
Guides & Crystals in the spray:
These are pulled from my decks written by different authors! Goddesses, Faery’s, Archetypes, Tarot and Angel.
The Creator
The Father
The Master maker
The High Priestess
Rose Quartz
Some highlights of 2-22-22:
- Teaches you to be the witness- (not overreact, just watch and learn)
- Teaches you a “feeling” of truth instead of just hearing the words
- Opens the gates of joy even in the darkness
- Releases our denial- so we can keep evolving
- Reclaim the parts of your soul so you are functioning at 100%
- Reclaim happiness
- Opens a new portal for you to receive love and healing
- Teaches you acceptance of yourself in baby steps
- Clears your energy with every spray
- Strengthens your aura
- Brings balance, masculine and feminine, yin and yang
- Develops your layers of intuition – mental, spiritual, physical and emotional
- Builds Self – Trust
The 22-
Every day we are trying to be more spiritual! However, this really opens the portal of accepting that we are already spiritual and that we can apply our spiritual tools to be good humans!
Sing, dance, laugh, play.
Be one with the natural elements: Earth, Wind, Water, Air and Fire and actually enjoy them!
Don’t forget the Cosmos- the Sun, the Moon and the Planets and Galaxies we don’t even know about!
Persevere through difficulties
Brings patience
Encouragement of doing the best we can do
Long Lasting Success
Confidence in your Actions!
The 2-
This is the “Go For It” Energy! The Relationship energy! The big 2! You and someone else. You and your ego. You and your spirit. You and your highest self. You and the dog. You and your career. You and your lover. You and your friend. There is so much to learn about the 2! It will just keep teaching you about relationships if you let it! This will help you grow more than anything!
The 2 also involves:
Lights up the Moment with Intensity! Of course it does! Yes!
And lastly since it is always working in the relationship category, the 2 Heals the past so you can move forward! Moving forward is what it is all about! Don’t get stuck! Get going!!!
Love you, 2 and 22!!!! Love your journey! Whatever it may look like.