Reiki is a useful tool to add to your life to improve many different aspects of health both emotional and physical. Just like Reiki can help change the course of your wellness, so can meditation.
Meditation has countless scientific studies to support the claims that it can be used as effective treatment for many ailments. When we think of the word “ailments” we often jump to ideas about cancer and mental illness, but the truth is that your weight could also be considered an ailment if you’re looking to change it.
Reiki and meditation combined, can serve as a powerful tool to treat—and change—your weight in the direction you choose.
Why meditation works
Reiki has been established as a natural treatment for blocked energy and is frequently used in addition to more Western treatments. Clearing blocked energy can help energy flow, as well as balance emotions and stressors. These practices are important in order to live the best version of your life because it helps you attack your day with resolve and power, and the same is true for your efforts towards weight loss. Combine the principles of Reiki with meditation and you are much more likely to achieve success from your hard work.
Just like Reiki, meditation is often used in addition to other treatment methods for a variety of different ailments. The great thing about meditation is that it literally rewires your brain patterns in a way that can help you exercise greater self-control, patience, confidence and overall stress-management. By rewiring your brain, you are giving yourself the utmost power to achieve your weight loss goals.
How meditation fits with Reiki weight loss
Combining Reiki with meditation is incredibly powerful because as you are harnessing the life force energy with the different Reiki symbols, you are also rewiring your brain in a way that can help you achieve your goals quickly.
The symbols of Reiki and meditation can be combined for many different purposes and aren’t limited to weight loss only. When you set your intentions for weight loss, you are focusing all of the energy that flows through you during the meditation toward weight loss.
Examples of good meditations
Often times when we talk about meditation, the first thing that people think of is a very mystical practice that can often times be intimidating. In truth, there is nothing mystical about it and it is quite easy to do yourself, even if you’re a beginner.
In order to try it yourself first begin by sitting in a comfortable position that allows your back to be erect in a way that all of your chakras can sit on top of one another.
This is the most important part because it allows the energy to flow through you more clearly.
Next, place your hands atop your lap, preferably palms up in order to receive the energies more easily.
Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply.
If you are incorporating the symbols of Reiki you have several options to use them. You can either draw them in the air with your finger as you begin your practice, or you can have the symbols in print in front of you during your meditation. Depending on your particular struggles with your weight you can select which symbols seem most fitting for you.
Choose a mantra, or a phrase, to repeat to yourself either out loud or silently throughout the meditation. Focus on your overall goal of weight loss, such as “I visualize myself weighing 130 pounds”. When you are finished draw the power symbol of Reiki once more in the air to seal that practice.
Meditation and Reiki are not overnight fixes for such complicated issue such as weight loss. Just like it is impossible to lose so much weight overnight, it is also impossible to expect the meditation to work overnight.
Try this approach for 30 days in a row, being mindful of your intentions throughout the day.
Paired with good choices in diet and exercise —which should be easier to do with the help of this practice—you should be able to see a difference within those 30 days.