Sweet dreams my baby!
As I hold you, squirming, wining and frustrated you are telling me its time for bed! Its only 7pm, but you make the rules, at least most of the time! I guess mommy boot camp is really working.
A week ago I vowed to get some sleep and called in the big dogs. I called my naturopath Kami Dehler at www.naturalfamilycare.com and I ordered Young Living Dream Catcher to diffuse at bedtime. I also decided not to feed him at night anymore. Was this baby boot camp or mommy boot camp? Either way by day two of my new nightly routine, the sleep times were lengthening with minimal crying and screaming.
Bath time begins in the laundry tub with Young Living Kidscents Bath Gel for a good scrub down and Young Living Kidscents Shampoo. He could splash around without worrying about getting in his eyes or irritating his skin. After the warm bath and a good dry off I would either put Young Living Gently Baby Essential Oil on his feet or I would put Young Living Baby Lotion on his soft baby skin. Either one will do the trick of calming your baby.
To prepare him for sleep I give him a small dose of BioClock regulator I got from the naturopath and get his diffuser ready. I fill up his Young Living Diffuser with Young Living Dream Catcher Essential Oil. I like this particular oil because it is a blend of some of my favorite oils, its smells amazing, and I don’t want my baby having any nightmares! Only sweet dreams allowed in this house! I put about 7 or 8 drops of oil in the diffuser while he is playing in his room and getting all the lights prepared.
We feed before bed – snuggle and then he falls asleep. I gently try to sneak off the bed because he has been in a big bed since the beginning. This baby has not been by the book. He has probably slept in the crib twice, he doesn’t take a bottle, and he eats hamburgers and Zucchini boats with dirty rice. However, the shortest he has slept in a week is 9 hours and the longest has been 11 hours. So I don’t care if he doesn’t follow the book, I have successfully gotten him from sleeping 2.5 hours to 11!
Thank you son! You didn’t have a chance against mommy and her essential oils and the naturopath but you surrendered and you have taught me to trust my intuition on what calms and sooths you and makes you sleep great!
I Love you!! Good night! Sleep Tight!