Reiki is a Japanese technique for relaxation that also promotes healing. Anyone can learn how to be a reiki practitioner and Master. A warm and soothing energy flows from the hands of the master into the client promoting relaxation and releasing tension. If you are interested in being a Reiki master, it is totally possible and all that is required of you is an open mind to the practice and a commitment to the training.
Here’s my guide to getting started with Reiki training.
Understanding Reiki
Reiki doesn’t rely on intelligence or skill in order for it to work. In other words, you can be a newbie to this spiritual practice and have no experience in this area. Reiki draws energy from the universe, God, or a greater power, however you may refer to it, in order to flush out any blockages within the body.
Blockages in your own energy can result in a variety of ailments depending on where the blockage is. This is the whole purpose of Reiki, to clear ailments by way of clearing the blockages. Practicing Reiki on yourself daily is a great way to get familiar with clearing physical pain or emotional blocks.
Because Reiki uses pure energy as a form of healing, all that is required is a greater understanding in how to harness the energy. As one teacher said Reiki is like a muscle and the more the use it the stronger it becomes. This can be accomplished through the training process, or what is called Attunement.
The main step in becoming a master is by opening the crown, heart and palm chakras in the student. This allows the higher frequency Reiki energies to flow from the universe into the client once the student becomes a master.
The attunement process can be an intense spiritual experience, as it allows for such a rush of energy unlike before. Oftentimes, students report noticeable changes such as vivid dreams, visions, and the opening of the third eye. Though these are exciting indicators that the attunement is working its way through the student, it is not necessary to have this exact experience.
Every student is different and the energy works in different ways with each person depending on your own makeup and blockages. Once you receive attunement you cannot lose it. You can attune someone to Reiki if they have never had a session before and it can harness the flow of energy any time you intend to heal.
Reiki is a powerful tool that is accessible to everyone. That being said it is extremely important that you view self-treatment with as much caution and respect, as you would if you were treating others.
In order to practice self-healing, you practice a series of hand placements while allowing the energy to flow through you. Without trying too hard to control the energy flow, place your hands in each position for 2-5 minutes and then just relax and trust the process!
Choosing a Teacher
Becoming a Reiki master is an investment in yourself! It can be expensive, takes a great deal of dedication, and also requires a lot of trust between yourself and your teacher. This is why, before committing the time and money, it is important to find a teacher that fits with you.
Because Reiki depends on the flow of energy and opening up your own channels in order to receive the energy, it is so important that you have a good connection with your teacher. When you first find a teacher it is important to listen to your own gut and inner voice. If it feels right then move forward, always checking in with your inner voice to ensure that it is a good fit. But if at any point it doesn’t feel right, then it is okay to move on and find a new teacher.
Reiki is a powerful tool that can be used in so many ways and once initiated you have it with you forever. It is worth the investment if this is something you intend to practice regularly. Once you are ready then you will be able to benefit from the powerful healing art form for the rest of your life!