I’m in the middle of my first Reiki weight loss program and I measured myself to see if I am on track with losing weight.
I am definitely down a few inches! I’m feeling good, I’m feeling fit, I’m feeling skinny, in other words – getting thinner.
Unfortunately, I’m still attached to the outcome which I shouldn’t be and told myself in the beginning that I wouldn’t be. That is harder than it seems.
The idea that Reiki weight loss is only measured in inches is only the beginning.
Then there is the emotional piece. The real work of weight loss.
I did realize I had mental (emotional) weight issues. Does everyone?
How do you get past losing the mental weight? That is the true game, the true test.
Getting past the mental game of weight so you control it and it doesn’t control you.
How do you get to the point that the pictures you see of yourself or the way you look in the mirror becomes great every time?
The way I tackle this is by taking in all the information, making time to stop and meditate on it and really tapping into your body. That’s what I have to do to center myself each day as part of the Reiki weight loss program.
What is it to obtain true enlightenment when it comes to your body?
True enlightenment of your body – the non judgment self loving of your body all the time.
I am so critical of myself, sometimes. Andre and I just laughed at a picture of me for 10 minutes pointing out everything in the picture about me – it’s one of those “worst picture you have ever taken” photos. It was a funny moment, but I caught myself after and said that was a test and I just failed!!
It’s just fascinating because I can’t be the only one that is hard on myself. This is a woman and a man thing!
The Importance of Moods
The journey with Reiki weight loss is to improve our relationship with our body in whatever way that manifests itself.
This filters into every area of our lives and we have to try remain in balance with all of our moods.
Moods are energy—sometimes we are hot, sometimes we are cold, and sometimes all over the place.
So what does it take to achieve the ultimate mood balance and ideal body?
In order to do this we must transform our thinking and our minds. We have to start seeing our bodies as beautiful and stop picking out the flaws but still have an end goal in mind.
Comparing Yourself to Others
I find myself still admiring other people’s beauty and their flaws and age lines. I catch myself analyzing wrinkles, brown spots, cute clothes, skinny legs and even portion sizes.
Something must be wrong with me! Or I am on the endless search of perfection..is there such a way to truly be accepting of our body no matter what? No matter what our brain says or does or what the mirror may or may not look like.
Or do we think of our bodies as a teaching tool? It cannot be perfect and we cannot think it’s perfect otherwise we don’t bother learning and growing and challenging ourselves on a daily basis to be the best we can be! To eat right, exercise enough, find the perfect fit for our clothes.
The more and more I write I am convinced that it is a lesson of control and letting go. We do have control over our actions but also have outside influences testing us and teaching us lessons along the way.
So when do you control and when do you let go? And how do we find the right path for our body and our mind and still have fun in this lifetime?
What Comes First?
Do we have to do the emotional weight loss in order to get the physical weightloss? Or do we work on physical attributes to help with emotional?
Based on my experience, The emotional weight loss comes first. Get your mind right, the rest will follow.
Steps Forward and Backwards Along the Emotional Weight Loss Journey
In our sessions I do a combination of emotional clearing, physical fat loss clearing, and will usually channel in healing for the parts of the body that need healing. For example, we focus on healing pains in the stomach, back aches and foggy brain.
We also do Reiki energy work on the cravings that we all have. Some of ours include, wine, soft drinks, cheese, dessert, candy and sugar to name a few. We specifically target the cravings to see if we can remove them from the body and also to find out if it has an attached emotional connection to it.
Finding this emotional connection to the craving is key!
How important is it that we listen to our bodies?
In order to truly listen to our bodies, we usually finish with a guided meditation. I like to sometimes drum or play Reiki music or do an angel blessing to start the meditation, and call in two of my guides to help!
This week Mother Earth was very active in our sessions. She took all the fat gracefully from our bodies and gave our fat to the starving children in Africa as I asked her too. She took our emotions that caused this fat to accumulate on our bodies.
Here are a few parts of our meditation:
Thanks mother earth for taking our fat and thank you angels for allowing our body to release the fat and let go of the emotions that are surrounded with it.
Drain the body and let the body be skinny.
Bring me to the ideal weight I feel in my soul that I am meant to be.
May my body show the real me, the fit me, the me I see in pictures and the me I see in the mirror – the me that fits into my clothes and the me that is happy with myself.
Heal me so that I can heal others!
Be your best me – the me you believe and see!