21 Day New Year’s Resolution Challenge


What kind of resolutions are you setting for 2022?

Do you want to lose a few pounds? Find more time for self-care? Improve a relationship in your life? Cook at home more?

Or is it something else?

Regardless of what your New Year’s Resolutions are, there’s a good chance that in just a few short weeks, they’ll be long-forgotten.

Studies show that barely 9% of us who set New Year’s Resolutions stick with them.

Let’s change that.

Take my 21 Day New Year’s Resolution Challenge where I’ll help you really commit to your new intention and follow through with it.

Each day during the challenge I’ll share spiritual insights into how you can make your resolutions real, and give you a short meditation or intention to set for the day to ensure your success.

I chose 21 days in this case as everyone agrees it takes 3 weeks to form a new habit.

So let’s do this together!

The price is just $37.

Reserve your spot today. Tell a friend.

Let’s roll into the new year together!
